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Apollon Temple Side

(Click on the photo)



Scuba diving ...                     

Along the Turkish Riviera You will find several professional diving centres - yet there are differences in quality and price. Contact us, we are sure to have some hints for You.

In Manavgat / Side we tested several diving centres by ouselves and therefore we recommend the diving centre 

(Click on the logo to reach the profidivers' website)

The Profi Divers Diving Centre is located in the "Pegasos World Hotel" in Sorgun / Titryengöl. The Profi Divers write SERVICE in BIG letters. They offer various diving courses, but also the technical equipment is in a perfect condition.

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Şirin und Ahmet

(Click for a bigger photo)

Şirin and Ahmet manage the diving centre. Şirin speaks a perfect German and both speak very well English and of course Turkish. They always take care about the beginners as well as about the experienced divers.


But perhaps it is the best You make Your own experiences - trying is better than studying....

Here - as follows - the telephne-numbers:

Ahmet +90 / (0) 535 / 467 30 30

Şirin +90 / (0) 536 / 281 10 10

Actually You will reach them (always) - otherwise perhaps they are down under ...


Under water ...

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 Sooooooo looks the water here !!

(Click for a bigger photo)


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You want to hear how diving sounds ?...(Please, click 1 time HERE)




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- 29th August, 2011

TürkDomizil Inşaat Emlak Ticaret Ltd. Şti. / TürkDomizil Construction, Real Estates and Trading Ltd. Corporation

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