Turkish Riviera + Turkish Properties = TürkDomizil property turkey, real estate turkey, side, manavgat, kizkalesi, mersin, antalya, alanya, adana, silifke, tasucu, turkish property, ayas




apollon-gr.jpg (450560 Byte)

Apollon Temple Side

(Click on the photo)



photos, impressions ...


(Click to enlarge a photo)


Abendhimmel 001.jpg (397759 Byte)

abendstimmung-gr.jpg (299015 Byte)

Palm tree

Evening sky

Evening atmosphere


insel-berg-gr.jpg (361345 Byte)

Meer-gr.jpg (332450 Byte)

alanya-kueste-gr.jpg (411641 Byte)

Island Seeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa Coast between Side + Alanya

berge-kueste-gr.jpg (342486 Byte)

flussrestaurant-gr.jpg (567185 Byte)

kemer-kueste-gr.jpg (366331 Byte)

Coast of Antalya

Restaurant in the river

Coast of Kemer


Moschee-Colakli.jpg (180143 Byte)

Segelyacht.JPG (392127 Byte)

Kizkalesi.JPG (370896 Byte)

Mosque in Colaklı near Side

Turkish Gulet

 Kizkalesi's famous castle


Ayas-Garten.JPG (1827247 Byte)

Kalksandsteinfelsen.JPG (1666497 Byte)

bucht-narlikuyu.JPG (1829232 Byte)

Garden in Ayaş

Lime-sandstone rock

Bay near Kizkalesi
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- 29th August, 2011

TürkDomizil Inşaat Emlak Ticaret Ltd. Şti. / TürkDomizil Construction, Real Estates and Trading Ltd. Corporation

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